Nuclear War
Emulation Item Preview
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- Publication date
- 1989
- Item Size
- 24.9M
Also For
Developed by
New World Computing, Inc.
Published by
New World Computing, Inc.
In Nuclear War you have to blow the opposition to smithereens - you have four opposing factions. You can either drop the bomb on them using a bomber, fire a missile, or try to lure their population using propaganda.
Ocassionally a random event occurs, for example aliens would land on one of the factions and the population suddenly grows, or someone throws cows at the opposition, causing a major stampede and killing millions.
From Original Entry
- Addeddate
- 2014-12-26 10:24:18
- Collection_added
- emulation
- Emulator
- dosbox
- Emulator_ext
- zip
- Emulator_start
- NuclearW/nukewar.exe
- Identifier
- msdos_Nuclear_War_1989
- Mobygames_also_for
- Amiga
- Mobygames_developed_by
- New World Computing, Inc.
- Mobygames_genre
- Strategy/Tactics
- Mobygames_misc
- Licensed
- Mobygames_published_by
- New World Computing, Inc.
- Mobygames_released
- 1989
- Scanner
- Internet Archive Python library 0.7.5
- Year
- 1989
Subject: Nice game
but i have some problems witrh control
Subject: super fun
Subject: Nostalgic doom/destruction poltical satrical fun!
Simple fun and funny, I haven't won yet but in war who wins? I keep playing while listening to boring shit on youtube and or netflix or deeper in the archive... while watching some 50s sci fi . Great video game fun like its supposed to be.
Subject: Quick and easy fun
Subject: Good but not my favorite
Subject: Nuke em' All!
Subject: Great game! Good to see it again.
A copy of the instructions for the game (explaining some of the less-intuitive systems) can be found here:
A quick guide:
It is a 5-way, turn-based strategy game. Each turn, you have four choices. (Click on the words "nuclear war" to lock in your choice once you've made it.)
1. Build more weapons (becomes less effective as you lose cities). If you build on two consecutive turns, you'll "stockpile" and anger the other leaders.
2. Direct propaganda at another leader's city (click on the leader's t.v. screen to see and select their cities) to steal up to 10 million citizens from them. There is a chance that your propaganda will backfire and you'll lose people to the person you targeted.
3. Attack with weapons -- this is a 2-turn process. On the first turn, you prepare a delivery device, either a missile of a certain size (10, 20, 50, or 100 megs) or a bomber. (LP1 = small, GR2= large). On the second turn, select the size warhead you want to use (10, 20, 50, 100) and the target city. Missiles are one-use only, bombers can keep bombing each turn until their capacity (50 or 100 megs total dropped) are used up.
4. Deploy a defensive system to block any nuke attacks by others on you on that turn. The LNDS will block any missiles fired at you, the Megacannon will destroy missiles and bombers aimed at you for that turn.
Each round, every player picks their action, and they are then executed sequentially, with you going last. If a player loses all their cities, they do a "final strike," randomly firing off their remaining warheads at others.
Leaders' have a numerical score in the corner of their screen that shows their attitude towards you on a scale of 0-100. Usually, 1 means they hate you and will target you, 100 means they love you (but don't necessarily trust them -- some lie about how they feel). Click on a leader's t.v. screen to see their numerical attitudes towards the other leaders as well. You can try to influence a leader by clicking on the happy face in their screen to show your attitude towards them, but your attitude can sometimes have unintended consequences.
Winner is the last person (if any) with cities left. Good luck!
Subject: Funny and very very dark
Subject: Classic Cold War satire
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